If you are struggling with debt, the holiday season can be a difficult time. Many people who are faced with insurmountable debt are unsure if they should file for bankruptcy before or after the holidays. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, the following reasons show why you should file before the holiday season passes.
Cease Harassing Collection Calls
Are you tired of having overbearing collectors constantly calling you, leaving threatening messages? Nonstop, badgering collection efforts be a real downer during the holiday season and create immense pressure. Immediately upon filing for bankruptcy, these calls are ordered to stop, giving you much needed breathing room to step back and get your finances in order.
Avoid Accumulating More Debt
If you are struggling financially, this can be a dangerous time as it can influence you to make purchases on credit that you cannot afford. Filing for bankruptcy can help with this temptation. In fact, filing before the holidays can help you avoid the possibility of being accused of racking up large purchases during the holidays and then filing for bankruptcy to discharge the debt. Most luxury purchases on credit cards within 90 days of filing for bankruptcy will not be discharged.
Start the New Year Off Right
What better time than the holidays to start fresh towards a debt-free future? Filing for bankruptcy before January rolls around can get you moving towards a financially sound 2016 ahead of time. Imagine how good it will feel to no longer have the immense weight of debt on your shoulders! By getting the ball rolling early, you can pursue a fresh start early on in the New Year and will already be working towards establishing manageable budget.
Hire a Sterling Heights Bankruptcy Lawyer
If you are bogged down by debt and are looking to file for bankruptcy, a Sterling Heights bankruptcy attorney from Hensel Law Office, PLLC can help you find a customized solution to your financial situation. I, Attorney Thomas Hensel, have assisted countless clients in Michigan since 1999 and can walk you step-by-step towards a financially prosperous future.
To get started, request a free consultation online or call my office today at (888) 258-0651.